Just like anything else, the more practice the better you become.  When it comes to blogging in the beginning your goal is to put together a consistent schedule of blogging.   After being able to blog consistently it is important to begin to refine what and how we are writing our blogs.

What keywords should you be using?  How are you blogs written?  What are the best days and times to post a blog? ect.

Goals for you this week is to set a blogging calendar and just get started writing.  It is more important to start somewhere and we will grow your abilities from there.

As we have discussed in the past make sure to keep a list of topics you want to write about for the days when you draw a blank you have a list to choose from. 
Now that the new year has begun, take a little time to remind yourself of some of those little things you have forgotten and start 2012 off on a high note.

Keys to a Confident Closing:

1. Be confident.  Make sure you have an extensive knowledge on your products and services  so you can confidently present your offering and answer questions.  You must also be confident in yourself  and your presentation skills.

2. Make eye contact.  Eye contact shows your engagement and interest in what your customer is saying.  Eye contact will also help to build trust.

3. Always smile.  It is important to always smile so you will be more engaging to potential and current clients.  This also shows your confidence and attitude that screams success. 

4. Present your proposal in writing.  Make sure that your proposal includes all details of what products and services you are providing to insure their confidence in what you are selling and the costs they will incur.  This will further build trust and a clear understanding of what they are receiving. 

5. Present your proposal in a seated position.  This insures eye contact as well as a more formal non-intimidating situation.  Your customer is less likely to get up and walk away before a confident decision is made.  If you are a male presenting to another male sit across the table for each other, if you are presenting to a female present while sitting next to her.  If you are a female feel out what is going to seem more appropriate for the customer and situation.

6. Always carry a pen.  Make sure that you always have a pen available for your customer to sign with.  If you do not have one or it is out of ink some consumers may take it as a sign that they should not go through with the transaction.

7. Treat all customers equally.  It is important to treat all potential and current clients the same.  This includes those who are not prepare to complete a transaction at this point as everyone is a buyer at some point.

8. Stay positive.  Think glass half full at all times when working with customers.  If a customer is not yet ready to purchase walk them through what they need to do to get there and present it in a positive manner.