Social media can have a MAJOR impact on brand awareness, website traffic, reputation building and business visibility.  Just think about it, social media is where you customers are; they live plan and even work in the social media environment every day. 
The goal with social media is get closer, engage and build a "relationship" with these customers building brand and personal advocates. 

Social media will build awareness of your website(s), services and products through platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blogging and even industry specific mediums.

For more assistance with social media just ask.
So many of you have asked who I am and who is behind Completing The Marketing Puzzle and why don't you publish it?

I have not disclosed the identity of myself or any of my partners as I do not want this to distract from what is available here.  This platform has been brought together with years of experience, knowledge and education.  The general backgrounds of those involve vary a bit by industry but are business focused.  

I am happy to talk with you one-on-one to let you know who I am and who are those behind me on Completing The Marketing Puzzle.

Connect with me now to learn more
Here is your first week of blog topic ideas.  Now lets strive to post 3 times in the next week!

  1. I am here (talk about your city or state)
  2. I want to brag
  3. Story of the week (you will never believe this)
  4. This book I am reading/read
  5. How I use my website
  6. Last month in summary
  7. I should write a book on
  8. Empowering others
  9. Home of the week (real estate agents)

So, yes there is a TON of information and tools on this site and you don't know what to do first.  The answer to the question is a bit different for each situation.  I think the better questions are:  Where are you at right now? and Where do you want to be?  Once those are answered we can put a plan together that will get you step by step from the beginning onward to your goal.

For further help fill out the help form for more one-on-one assistance.
One of the first steps many of you will take will be to start your own blog or if you have a blog to become more consistent with your posting.  I want to help you the best I can by providing you with topics each week that hopefully will inspire you to post.

These  topics will be sometimes generic and others specific.  There is not right or wrong on how you interpret them.  If they inspire to post that is all that matters.

Again, if you need additional assistance do not hesitate to ask. 
Welcome to Completing the Marketing Puzzle!  After years of exploring the internet, reading and searching for what I needed to use to get a myself where I wanted to be I am nearly there.  In this adventure I have found that I spent too much time and money on things that did not work and only frustrated me.

I have put this site together to bring useful tools to you so that you can build your business better and faster without all the wasted time and money.  I want this site to be a place for you to continually come to every day and find out what is new, what is working and get ideas.  Additionally, I know that this is not all easy to do while doing the day to day work as well, so I am here to help you as well in whatever capacity you may need.

If you need help just click on the help tab at the top and fill out the form.  I will get back to you within 24hours and we can put a plan together to get you moving forward on building the business of your dreams.