One of the biggest challenges I talk with professionals is a struggle to offer, provide and sustain value to their clients.  This can be difficult for the simple fact that "value is in the  eye of the beholder".  

What one may see as a value another may think of as standard or unnecessary.  When it comes to our business we need to be able to provide a value to the majority of our target market and if necessary offer customization for others.

The best advise I can give is not to downgrade what you offer to fit into a client's want or budget because (1) they most likely are not your target market (2) your name is on the product so it must be up to the standards at all times (3) there most likely is not a complete understanding of why and how you do your job

Other useful tips:
  • Provide Rules of Engagement
  • Clearly define the Value you bring and why 
  • Put together a strong presentation with facts and examples
  • Always ask how you can help