1. Have you seen this?
  2. What do you think?
  3. What I learned this week
  4. In the month of May
  5. On this date
  6. Summer break is only weeks away
  7. Next up
  8. Program of the week
  9. On a side note
  1. Market Update
  2. Summer is coming
  3. ___________ City Focus
  4. In the news
  5. Recommended Read
  6. I needed to know
  7. I saw
  8. Experience of a life time

  1. I would never had thought
  2. This just came to me
  3. Transaction of the week
  4. Another happy client
  5. Because I said so
  6. Why not?
  7. I love a challenge
  8. How I can help you
  9. Great article I read
  1. What do you think
  2. My weekend...
  3. I just learned
  4. Did you know
  5. 203K
  6. My city stats
  7. Great marketing idea
  8. I saw
  9. Home of the week