One of the first steps many of you will take will be to start your own blog or if you have a blog to become more consistent with your posting.  I want to help you the best I can by providing you with topics each week that hopefully will inspire you to post.

These  topics will be sometimes generic and others specific.  There is not right or wrong on how you interpret them.  If they inspire to post that is all that matters.

Again, if you need additional assistance do not hesitate to ask. 
Welcome to Completing the Marketing Puzzle!  After years of exploring the internet, reading and searching for what I needed to use to get a myself where I wanted to be I am nearly there.  In this adventure I have found that I spent too much time and money on things that did not work and only frustrated me.

I have put this site together to bring useful tools to you so that you can build your business better and faster without all the wasted time and money.  I want this site to be a place for you to continually come to every day and find out what is new, what is working and get ideas.  Additionally, I know that this is not all easy to do while doing the day to day work as well, so I am here to help you as well in whatever capacity you may need.

If you need help just click on the help tab at the top and fill out the form.  I will get back to you within 24hours and we can put a plan together to get you moving forward on building the business of your dreams.