I was asked today why the first thing I always ask new clients is "Do you have a business plan?".  

I will admit that a business plan and especially a marketing plan is something I harp on, but with out one people are running their businesses by the seat of their pants with no written thoughts to hold them selves accountable.

You do not have to have a formal 15 page business plan; it does not even have to be typed out.  JUST write it down!  By nature if we each have something to strive for (a goal) that we can keep top of mind we will try our hardest to accomplish it because we do not want to let ourselves down.

Just take a few minutes to outline where you are today, where you want to be by the end of the year and 5 things you need to do to get there.  Than, take that piece of paper and make 3 copies.  File the original for your records, post one at the office, one at home and put one in you briefcase so you always have it with you.

If you keep you sketched plan and goals in sight you will not loose track of what you are supposed to be doing.  Also, your plan can change.  If you need to adjust the plan throughout the year for the better or worse just do it and remember to replace the copies at home, work and in your briefcase (always keep the originals for your reference).
Big Fan
9/23/2011 04:15:09 am

I can not ageee more. It is vital to business to know what you want to do and where you want to be and keep reminding yourself.


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