Just like anything else, the more practice the better you become.  When it comes to blogging in the beginning your goal is to put together a consistent schedule of blogging.   After being able to blog consistently it is important to begin to refine what and how we are writing our blogs.

What keywords should you be using?  How are you blogs written?  What are the best days and times to post a blog? ect.

Goals for you this week is to set a blogging calendar and just get started writing.  It is more important to start somewhere and we will grow your abilities from there.

As we have discussed in the past make sure to keep a list of topics you want to write about for the days when you draw a blank you have a list to choose from. 
The best way to secure new business is to be available and top of mind when a need arises.  This can be difficult online in such competitive markets.  The easiest way to be found is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

Your website/blog must be full of the keywords and phrases that consumers are going to search for when looking for your product.  The findings are arranged by those that are thought to be the best match.

Make a list of the keywords and phrases you would search for when looking for your product.   You can also research which keywords and phrases you should be optimizing by using a tool such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool.  Once compiled post this list near your computer so that at all times you have it as a reference when editing content and writing blogs.

Quick Tips:
  • You only want to use these words and phrases where they make sense.  Do not use them just to increase their usage through your site/blog.  You want your information to be coherent  not just keyword jumble. 
  • Use keyword in page descriptions, URLs, headings, subheadings and picture alt tags
  • Feel free to use variations and synonyms of the keywords and phrases
  • Use keywords and phrases in bulleted and numbered lists

  1. Have you seen this?
  2. What do you think?
  3. What I learned this week
  4. In the month of May
  5. On this date
  6. Summer break is only weeks away
  7. Next up
  8. Program of the week
  9. On a side note
  1. Market Update
  2. Summer is coming
  3. ___________ City Focus
  4. In the news
  5. Recommended Read
  6. I needed to know
  7. I saw
  8. Experience of a life time

  1. I would never had thought
  2. This just came to me
  3. Transaction of the week
  4. Another happy client
  5. Because I said so
  6. Why not?
  7. I love a challenge
  8. How I can help you
  9. Great article I read
  1. What do you think
  2. My weekend...
  3. I just learned
  4. Did you know
  5. 203K
  6. My city stats
  7. Great marketing idea
  8. I saw
  9. Home of the week
  1. What is your unique selling points?
  2. How is the spring market shaping up?
  3. Realtor of the week
  4. Credit Tips
  5. Deal of the week
  6. Product updates
  7. Great Read
  8. Must talk about
  9. Because you didn't ask
Blog topics for week 3.  Now lets strive to post 3 times in the next week!

  1. Why not?
  2. I know I need to
  3. Market Updates
  4. Story of the week
  5. Home of the week
  6. I must say
  7. What blogging does for me
  8. Great article/book I read
  9. You need to know

Here is some topics for week 2 of blogging.  Now lets strive to post 3 times in the next week!
  1. Story of the week
  2. Just Because
  3. Home of the week
  4. What I learned today
  5. It really does work
  6. My son/daughter said/did
  7. My goal for the next week/month
  8. I wrote a business plan
  9. I made a change


Social media can have a MAJOR impact on brand awareness, website traffic, reputation building and business visibility.  Just think about it, social media is where you customers are; they live plan and even work in the social media environment every day. 
The goal with social media is get closer, engage and build a "relationship" with these customers building brand and personal advocates. 

Social media will build awareness of your website(s), services and products through platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blogging and even industry specific mediums.

For more assistance with social media just ask.