The best way to secure new business is to be available and top of mind when a need arises.  This can be difficult online in such competitive markets.  The easiest way to be found is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

Your website/blog must be full of the keywords and phrases that consumers are going to search for when looking for your product.  The findings are arranged by those that are thought to be the best match.

Make a list of the keywords and phrases you would search for when looking for your product.   You can also research which keywords and phrases you should be optimizing by using a tool such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool.  Once compiled post this list near your computer so that at all times you have it as a reference when editing content and writing blogs.

Quick Tips:
  • You only want to use these words and phrases where they make sense.  Do not use them just to increase their usage through your site/blog.  You want your information to be coherent  not just keyword jumble. 
  • Use keyword in page descriptions, URLs, headings, subheadings and picture alt tags
  • Feel free to use variations and synonyms of the keywords and phrases
  • Use keywords and phrases in bulleted and numbered lists

9/23/2011 04:15:57 am

I have been looking for great markeing information and your blog is just what I have been looking for

10/6/2011 04:12:06 am

This is great! I have been wanting to understand more about keywords and optimization


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