Can you honestly agree with each of the statements below:
  • I have ONE master, complete database of all clients and potential clients
  • I have a complete database of all referral partners
  • I stay in contact with ALL my clients/potential clients and referral partners monthly
  • I mine my database for new business and referrals
  • I can instantly pull up all my notes and information on each contact
  • I personally manage my database

So how did you do?  Can you agree with all or most of the above statements? If not why?

No matter what your business your database is the foundation.  Every person you come in contact with is a potential client and if not them someone they know is.  It is critical to have all your contacts in one easy to access place so you are not searching through file cabinets, email systems, your cell phone, etc. trying to find out what you "know" about them.

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9/28/2011 12:04:50 am

this was very helpful to me. I needed to step back and take a look at my database; or lack there of. Do you have a platform you could suggest for someone in real estate?


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