I have been involved in the Western Michigan Women's Council of Realtors for the past few months and was asked to give a 2 minute inspiration at an upcoming Luncheon.  I had to take some time to think through what it was I wanted to share and this is what I have come up with:

You Are an Entrepreneur

"In trying to decide what to share with you all today that could be inspiring I sat back and looked at the industry as a whole and the one thing I realized was that no matter what role you play in a transaction, who you work for or how you are compensated you are all really Entrepreneurs. 

As an entrepreneur in the Real Estate industry you ride the waves up and down and face the many challenges head on.  But, there are times when those waves begin to wash away little bits of the belief that you have in your self and the industry.

So I want to remind you that when that next wave comes You are an Entrepreneur and You Believe.

In Real Estate you are Entrepreneurs that must believe and as an Entrepreneur you believe in your product, your business and most of all yourself.

Believing in yourself is when you compare yourself to a successful college and don’t make excuses why you are unable to compete with them but look at what you can do to surpass them.  You don’t tell anyone “no” instead you work with them to be able to say “yes”.

As an Entrepreneur that believes you become laser focused on what you have accomplished and what accomplishments lie before you.  You strive to believe in yourself and remain positive beyond all else.

If you begin to think negatively and your belief fades remember you are an Entrepreneur who is laser focused on your goals and you believe in yourself, your product and your business."

What are your thoughts on this?  Please share your feedback.

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